Dove Pan-Orama by Bruce Postgate
- Dozen of delightful dove deceptions
- Includes patter stories and instructions.
- 48 pages, fully illustrated
Dove Pan-Orama
By Bruce Posgate
Published by Morrissey Magic Limited
In addition to the most standard Dove Pan uses, it also includes all kinds of new ideas, plausible and implausible, serious and comical, weird and wonderful. There are dozens of delightful Dove Pan deceptions, many for children’s entertainment, some with patter stories, hints and tips, and unique production items (and instructions on how to make them for yourself too!) Will entertain and amuse you. Even if you use only one of the many excellent ideas offered, you’ll have more than your money’s worth. Fully illustrated by Sid Lorraine.
Contents Include:
- Foreword by Sid Lorraine
- Introduction: about Dove Pans
- Handy Hints
- Dove Pan Designs
- Performing With a Dove Pan
- Dove Production
- Rabbit Production
- Baby Chick Production
- Triplets
- A Bevy of Baby Chicks
- Flower Productions
- The Magic Flower Pot
- Baking a Cake
- Candy Production
- Paper Coil Production
- A Basket of Fruit
- A Stunt for a Stag Party Smoker
- For Ladies...Sales Promotions...Demonstrations
- Instant Fried Eggs
- Jellybean Soup
- Comedy Egg Incubation
- Which Came First....?
- Ribbon Cascade
- Another Cascading Effect
- Castles In the Air
- 17 Build Your Own Card Castle!
- The Miser's Nightmare: a money effect
- A Gospel Magician's Idea
- Butterfly Soup - With Variations
- Instant Spot Remover
- How to Make Christmas Decorations
- M.S.C.P.: silk routine for juveniles
- Why Not M.S.P.P.: variation
- Yet Another M.S.C.P. Routine
- The Music Box
- Balloon Animals
- Card Tricks
- Another Card Trick
- Hot Dog!
- Chinese Lantern Production
- More Hot Dogs
- Magic Linking Rings: into a linking rings routine
- Chinese Linking Rings - With Every Ring Examined: ring switch idea and basic routine
- Never Play Cards With Strangers
- The Elusive Birthday Cake
- Comedy Prelude to Baking a Cake
- Extra Special, Super-Duper, Colossal, Spectacular Dove Pan Production
- The Original Computer: pan becomes a math computer
- The Chinese Magician: producing an outfit
- Sequel to the Chinese Magician Effect: an additional production
- A Good Wish Banner Production
- Apple Pie: balloons inflate
- For the Close Up Worker: another card trick
- Chandelier Production
- Hallowe'en Party Masks: party idea
- Any Drink Called For...At a Children's Party!
- Another Milk Production Routine
- Wine and Roses
- Magic Chafing Dish: a running gag
- Triple Dove Pan Production (Herby Morrissey): uses a double load pan
- Laughing Gas: using a laughing bag novelty
- Another Which Came First: for magicians only
- Instant Alarm Clock
- The Magic Tambourine: tambourine routine using a dove pan
- Good Night: closer
Details: Dove Pan-Orama by Bruce Postgate
48 pages, softcover, saddle-stitched, fully illustrated, size 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
Illustrated by Sid Lorraine
Copyright 1972 and Published by Morrissey Magic Products, Quebec, Canada
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