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Wonderful Routines Of Magic-Second Addendum by Ellis Poland

  • Printed in 1994, the Second Addendum is 191 Pages!
  • Well Illustrated and Includes 58 Items.
  • Primary Focused on Close-up Magic!

Wonderful Routines Of Magic.-The Second Addendum

by Ellison Poland

The first two books were well received and soon went out of print. With the encouragement of several dealers, Wonderful Routines of Magic was reprinted in October of 1992 The author is of the opinion that The Second Addendum is by far the best book of the series.

The effects are mostly cards and coins. There are two standout mental effects and two or three of the card effects can be presented as very strong mental effects. When “Psychic Pulse” was shown and explained to several magicians while on the way home from a convention, they said that it alone was worth the entire convention trip.

It is firmly believed that applications of “Slough-off Control, combined with “Slough-off Mathematics can revolutionize one facet of card magic. If these two concepts are combined with John Quine's handling of his “Quine’s Keeper,” even more miracles are possible. See the book The Magic of John Quine for an explanation of his concept.

This book consists of fifty-seven items, only twenty of which are by the author. The other contributors, listed alphabetically are Aaron Black, Tony Boon, Peter Duffie, Steve Hook, Gene Maze, Harry Milliken, Charles Pecor, Steve Pressley, Dan Tong, and Gary Ward. The primary focus is on close-up magic. The Second Addendum is indexed.


Foreword, Acknowledgements

Slough-Off Control
Slough-Off Mathematics
King for a Day (Peter Duffie)

Thought Up Plus (Peter Duffie)
A Mental Case
The "Out" of Last Resort
The Impromptu Imposition (Peter Duffie)
The Future Packet (Peter Duffie)
Variation of Diaconis' "Les Cartes"
Grandson of IBGTH
Sobo - So What???
Put and Take
The Garden Path
A Casual Glimpse
Making Paper
Matcho No 2
A Pitchman's Spiel
Another Solution to Curry's Open Prediction Problem
The Final Transposition (Dan Ton)
In And Out
Colors By the Numbers No. 1
Colors By the Numbers No. 2
A Shade Inexplicable (Peter Duffie)
The Econ Poker Deal (Tony Econ)
Econ's Triple Coincidence (Tony Econ)
A Gambler's Switch
No SecondsDunbury (Harry Milliken)
Jack of Diamonds
Ward's Control (Gary Ward)
Thunk Cards (Gary Ward)
No Cover Aces Number One (Gene Maze)
Sandwich Aces (Gene Maze)
No Cover Aces Number Two (Gene Maze)
No Name Coincidence (Gene Maze)
The False Kick-Back Cut (Gene Maze)
Optical Illusion Cut (Gene Maze)
Jog Conversion (Gene Maze)

 Ubiquitous Readers
After the Peek (Gene Maze)
No Cover Assembly Number 3 (Gene Maze)
More of the Same - With Kicker (Gene Maze)
Old Wine (Gene Maze)
Soft Deck (Gene Maze)
New Wave Aces (Steve Pressley)
Pad Vanish (Dan Tong)
Pad Vanish Applications (Dan Tong)
New Wave Top Change (Dan Tong)
Swivel Side Steal (Dan Tong)
Stealth Whirley-Bird Card (Dan Tong)
The Psychic Pulse 
Off Your Box (Peter Duffie)
Ortho-Repeatic Jumbo Coin (Steve Hook)
Silver Thief (Steve Hook)
Odd Coin from Birmingham (Dr. Charles Pecor)
Black's Coins & Silk Routine (Aaron Black)
The Index

Note: Poland published a "First Addendum" prior to the "Second Addendum". It was a much shorter volume and was not hardbound. The publication is out of print.  

Please Note; We offer a special discount deal for both volumes elsewhere on this website  

Details: Second Addendum to Wonderful Routines of Magic  by Ellis Poland
by Ellis Poland
Hardcover with a dust jacket, 192 pages  

SKILL LEVEL-Experienced/Medium

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