Pitter Patter Book by R.H.Hill
Pitter Patter Book
by Robert H.Hill
Time-tested routines written word for word as performed by Robert H. Hill. This 52 page book is packed full of nothing but routines for 28 favorite magic tricks that give you the words (Patter) to say when using them in a Gospel application.
Popular Chicago magician David Maher recommends, "Whatever magic you do, you should read Robert H. Hill's Pitter Patter".
- Bible Paper Tear (Fresh Fish)
- Going God's Way (High Sign or Use Our Travel Trouble Sign-found else where on this site)
- Cut Short by Good Deeds (Clippo)
- A Story of Patient faith (Clippo)
- Twentieth Century Silks ( available else where on this site)
- Your Choice (Ralph Mills)
- God is Three in One (trinity Ropes)
- Stewardship Parable (Repeat Bill Trick)
- The King is Coming (World's Greatest Magician)
- Penetrate Your World with the Gospel (Needle Through Balloon)
- Removing Sin's Ugly Spot (Three Card Monte)
- The Heart Gate (Star Gate)
- Rooted in God's Word (Magnetic Glasses)
- Cleansed by the Blood (Dissolving Paper)
- Make The Right Choice (Derek Payne)
- The Color Changing Records (Silk Serenade)
- Free From Satan's Trap *(he Rat Trap)
- Dizzy Dots (What's Next)
- A Beautiful necklace (Key-rect)
- The Gospel for the World (Bob Hill's Rope Routine)
- Salvation is no Trick (Sucker Hank to Egg)
- The Key to Heaven (Robert H. Hill)
- What's on Your Mind (Comedy Mind Reading)
- Hexa-Tetra Flexagon
- Comedy Mind Readsing
- The Changing heart
- He is Risen (Fooled Again Sucker Trick)
- The Linking Rings
Please note that this booklet does not explain the secrets of how to do the tricks, but it gives you the Gospel applications to use with the effects in a church or gospel setting. Many of the actual props for the tricks can be found on this website. If we don't currently stock the item we'll be happy to special order it for you
Details: Pitter Patter Book by R.H.Hill
©1990 by Robert H. Hill
52 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size: 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
Media Type | Shipped Product |
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