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The Conjurors' Book of Stage Illusions By Edward W. Dart

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  • The Illusions Used by The Masters!
  • A Great Resource for Any Illusionist!
  • 86 Pages!
  • Over 50 Classic Illusions explained!

The Conjurors' Book of Stage Illusions

Written By Edward W. Dart

Edited & Published by Mickey Hades

A grand collection of the world's finest illusions from the world's greatest magicians, selected from The Conjurer's Magazine. The illusions in this book represent a wide variety, offering something of value to everyone - puzzles, skits, comedy, and sheer mystery. 

Here are fifty-one exciting illusions which were created by Ovette, Hardeen, Blackstone, Korim, Thurston, Lafollette, Sorcar, Goldin, Windsor and others. 

Also found here are seven illusions by Okito - originals not found in any other book - exclusive to The Conjurer's Magazine. They are some of Okito's finest. These are Stowaway Illusion; Pillar of Fire; Phantom Fowls; Mystery of the Seven Stones; Invisible Flight; Evolution of a Lady; and Coverless Dove Pan.

Contents Include:

Forward by Neil Foster, 1973

6 Book of Life (Theo Hardeen): assistant appearance
8 Tree to Girl Transformation (Howard Thurston)
10 White and Black (Blackstone): transformation
12 Chest of the Lamas (Shaman): rabbit production
14 Cauldron Illusion (Rudy Roxo): assistant appearance
16 Out of the Dog House (Cmdr C. Adair)
18 Vanishing Automobile (Blackstone)
20 Two Door Dollhouse (Blackstone)
22 Floating Skeleton (Deland; Walter Gibson): window display or lobby stunt 
23 Miss Boots (Joseph Ovette): a sawing in two
24 Question of Color (Rudy Roxo): costume color change
26 Nu-Production Box (Stanley Beck): silks produced from a box put together piece by piece
27 Follies Girl Illusion (Blackstone): assistant vanish
28 Invisible Rainbow (Jack Gwynne): glasses of water gain colors
30 Chest of Celestial Bliss (Rudy Box): a spike chest
32 Chariot Illusion (Kroeger): assistant appearance
34 Burmese Pagoda: assistant appearance
36 Double "A" Production Box (W.B. Gibson): smaller production cabinet
38 Glass Penetration (George Pfisterer): rods apparently penetrate a sheet of glass
40 Santa Claus Illusion (Herman Hanson)
42 Rabbit Out of a Hat (P. C. Socar)
44 Pillar of Fire (Okito): from stage platform
46 Invisible Flight (Okito): pigeon vanishes from cage to appear in tubes
48 Phantom Fowls (Okito): ducks appear from a box constructed on stage
50 Mystery of the 7 Stones (Okito): a prisoner escapes strangulation
52 East Indian Rope Trick (Felix Korim)
54 Stowaway Illusion (Okito): boxes of tea change into an assistant
56 Stage Illusions Idea (Wm. A. Hoch): small production cylinder
57 Chinese Apparition (Howard Adams): magician appears from screens
58 Flight of the Mandarin (La Follette): assistant transposes with magician rolled in a sheet
60 Flash Vanish (John Cooper): small animals defy gravity and vanish in a box
62 Triple Mystery (Stanley Collins): an inexpensive triple transposition
65 Girl and Ladder (Blackstone): assistant vanish
66 Appearing Lion (Ovette)
67 Mermaid Illusion (Erold/Grant): simple illusion with two screens
68 Walking on Water (Horace Goldin): in a crate
69 No Feet - Some Feat (Joe Karson): magician's feet vanish when a cloth is rasied
70 Beer and Girl From Barrell (Rowan Brooks)
71 Coverless Dove Pan (Okito)
72 Evolution of a Lady (Okito): rabbit, duck, and assistant production from an easel
74 Practical Production Tray: for platform or stage
75 To Life (Gene Gloye): giant card to assistant transformation
76 Cloak Of Invisibility (Felix Korim): assistant vanish
77 Tom-Tom Illusion: man on throne changes into a female assistant
78 Revelry In a Haunted House (Bill Joy): black Art & Seance version of the Doll House illusion
79 Studio Illusion (Blackstone): painting comes to life
80 Walking Away From a Shadow (Blackstone): performer's shadow remains after he walks away
81 Sucker Rabbit Box: rabbit vanish and apparent explanation is demonstrated to be incorrect
82 Girl Through Tape (Joseph Yadah): assistant passes through tape in almost full view
84 Yankee Doodle Hat (Tommy Windsor): silk production from an empty hat
86 Fourth Dimensional Glass (Felix Korim): silk passes through solid glass

Details: The Conjurors' Book of Stage Illusions

86 pages, softcovers, spiral-bound, size 8 1/2" by 11". Color of cover may vary from one pictured.

Copyright 1974

Media Type Shipped Product

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