Money Magic Book By Jean Hugard
- Learn Manipulation of Paper Money!
- Sleights, Switches, Vanishes!
- Tricks with Bills!
- Learn the Famous Bill to Lemon!
Money Magic Book
By Jean Hugard
Manipulations and tricks with paper money are popular and entertaining. The "apparatus" is always available. The famous Bill in a Lemon, in a Cigarette, Tearing, various switches, etc. The only book ever written on this subject. A wonderful reference book. Softbound, illustrated,
Contents Include:
Chapter I. Preliminary Preparation
4 a. The Insertion of a Bill into a Lemon or Orange
5 b. Insertion of One Fruit Into Another
6 c. Preparing a Duplicate Bill
Chapter II. Sleights
7 1. Palming
7 - a. Bill Crumpled Into Ball
7 - b. Palming Method 1
8 - c. Palming Method 2
8 - d. The French Drop
9 2. The Slide With a Folded Bill
9 3. Palming From Left Fist
10 Switches
10 1. By Pure Skill
10 - a. The Palm or Finger Palm
10 - b The Slide With a Folded Bill
11 - c The Baker Switch
11 - d. Trousers Pocket Switch
12 - e. Change of Envelope, Containing a Bill, by Sleight of Hand
13 2. By Means of Accessories
13 - a. With an Envelope
13 - b. With a Hat
14 - c. With a Thumb Tip
14 - d. The Cleft Stick
14 - e. Faked Match Box
15 - f. Switching An Envelope Containing a Bill
15 - g. Envelope and Blotting Paper
15 - h. Prepared Envelope
Chapter III. Vanishes. Methods of Making a Bill Disappear
16 1. By Sleight of Hand
16 - a. Sleight of Hand Method 1
16 - b. Sleight of Hand Method 2
17 2. With Accessories
17 - a. Envelope With a Slit in its Face
17 - b. With a Plain Envelope
18 - c. Another Way With a Plain Envelope
18 - d. With a Match Box
Chapter IV Impromptu Tricks with Bills
19 1. Novel Drinking Cup: drinking from a dollar bill
19 2. The Shrinking Dollar: illusion; not sure if this would work today
20 3. A Transposition: stunt with a $1 and $4 bill
20 4. Breaking a Pencil with a Dollar Bill: stunt
21 5. A Flying Bill: gag before paying a bill
21 6. A Divination: magician pulls a crumpled bill out of a hat that matches bill selected
21 7. Another Divination: using facts about serial numbers (not likely true today)
22 8. Cigarette From a Dollar Bill
22 9. Green Silk From a Dollar Bill: false finger
23 10. Tearing a Bill: and restoring it
24 11. Cutting a Bill in Half: under cover of paper and unharmed
25 12. The Floating Bill: I.T.
25 13. A Magical Transfer: $1 and $10 bill transpose
26 14. Another Method: One to a Five
26 15. Multiplication: single bill multiplies to many
27 16. Bill as a Cigarette Lighter: Bill is burnt to light a candle, but restored
27 17. Bill Rubbed Into Elbow: and vanishes
28 18. Gali-Gali's Trick: Bill to paper
28 19. The Wandering Bills: four bills rolled into balls pass under a hat
29 20. Cups and Balls Routine with Bills: how to prepare the bills, an actual routine is not provided
29 21. Bill Number and Cards Correspond: cards and serial number match
Chapter V A Bill and a Cigarette
31 a. The Cigarette: how to switch, four methods described
32 b. The Bill: the switch
32 c. Vanishing the Bill: ideas
33 The Latest Version: no switch required
34 A Stage Version: with a trick revolver
Chapter VI A Bill and a Lemon
36 Notes: ideas and suggestions
37 Rich Man Poor ManBegger Man Thief (Charles Waller): Charles' approach
38 Mirror Glass and Flash Paper Variation
39 Bill Lemon Egg and Walnut: walnut in egg in lemon; note has a comedy message
40 Bill and Grapefruit:
stage version
43 A Bill and a Banana: amusing version
Chapter VII Miscellaneous Tricks With Bills
44 1. A Borrowed Bill Passed Between Two Cards
44 2. Bill Passed Inside a Playing Card
45 3. Quick change: $1 bill changes to coins valuing a playing card
46 4. A Bill is Burned (L.A. Winter)
46 Borrowed Bill Vanished and Found in Spectator's Hand
47 The Bill in the Candle
47 - a. Method 1
48 - b. Method 2
48 - c. Mechanical Candle, Stage Version
49 7. A Bill and an Egg
49 - a. Using a gimmicked pen
51 - b. Using a TT
53 8. A Life Saver and a Bill: Bill ends up in the center of candy roll
53 9. Eight Bits: eight bits of paper turn into a dollar
54 10. Another Torn and Restored: non-sleight of hand version
54 11. The Miser's Dream with Bills: how to fold
55 12. Mental Mysteries With Bills: performer calls a serial number of the selected bill
55 13. Transmission of Thought: using finger code
56 14. Two Bills From One: using special fold
57 15. Two Bills From One: a usage for the above fold
58 16. The Latest Bill and Lemon Trick (Dr. E.C. Cotelloe)
59 A Few Patter Suggestions
Details: Money Magic Book
59 pages, softcover, saddle-stitched, size 5 1/2' by 8 1/2"
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