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Sucker Glass Vanish Plus

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  • Great Sucker Effect!
  • Perfect for Family Performances!

Sucker Glass Vanish Plus

This is a Great Item for Platform or Stage!

Basic Effect: The performer covers a glass on a tray with a tube, slides the tube around on the tray, then lifts it up and the glass is gone! The audience is not much impressed though because when the tray is "accidentally turned around" the glass is exposed, stuck in a hole in the tray. The performer repeats the magic, and this time the glass is really gone!

A great sucker type effect! Also possible with the props supplied are additional effects such as Passe-Passe Glass, Flying Milk, and Out of Thin Air

The special mechanical props supplied make these effects easy to perform. Good visual magic for stage use, the props include the cloth covered wood tray with decorative frill, powder coated metal tubes, plastic glasses, and full instructions and routines. Please note: Colors of tubes, cloth, etc, may vary from the one pictured.

Made in India.


Media Type Shipped Product

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