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Black Art By Laurie Ireland

Black Art 

By Laurie Ireland

Black Art is a marvelous technique which stage magicians can use to make anything on stage—regardless of size, type, or complexity—functionally invisible. In this 1955 manuscript Laurie Ireland, Paul Studham, and Jasper Ward teach their ideas for the performance of three Black Art acts: The Spirit Bar, The Spirit Seance, and Toby the Invisible Helper. Drinks mix themselves at the audience's request, objects are violently thrown across stage by invisible spirits, and an imaginary friend makes candy and a rabbit visually appear out of nowhere.

From our archives:

"The cry from TV, big Show Business, small Show Business, School Shows, is for something new, something different! Black Art is a new art to this generation! Dolinoff, Black Theatre of Prague, Ralph Adams, have all been featured on TV, but only these few have practiced this great Black Art. In this book you learn all about it, from a do-it-yourself standpoint. There are three complete acts fully described, what to do and how to do it, with details for a modern, portable presentation that can be done anywhere. A modern bar act, a noisy, fascinating spook act, and a children's routine the kids will love. All in Black Art. Be the first to add it to your show—be different!"

Details: Black Art 

20 pages, soft covers, saddle-stitched, size; 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".

Note: The copies we have in stock are from the "Second Printing" in 1974.

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