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Pocket Bathing Beauty

  • Fun & Amazing Magic!
  • An Interesting Plot & Story in Minature!

Pocket Bathing Beauty

Effect: The performer displays a plastic paddle with the picture of a dressed lady on the beach. The picture is seen to be the same on both sides, as the performer comments that the lady is rather overdressed for the beach. He passes his hand over the lady, and she is now more appropriately dressed in a one-piece swimsuit. Again he shows the picture is the same on both sides. However, the performer is obviously carried away by his magical powers, and being something less than the perfect gentleman, carries his experiment a step further. He passes his hand over the picture once again, obviously to make the swimsuit vanish. It does, but the tide comes in to rescue the modesty of the damsel in distress! This time he forgets to show the other side, as he casually hands the paddle to a spectator for a "closer look". When the spectator turns the paddle over, he sees just what he should have expected, so why is he so surprised? Cute, very good value for money, and a great little mystery to carry in your pocket.

Note; The prop photos are Not "X" rated.

Skill Level: Beginner. Suitable for ages 12 to adult.

Media Type Shipped Product

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