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  • Vintage Collectible Magic Item!
  • This Item is No Longer Manufactured!


Basic Effect: The spectator thinks of any number on the "Control Card" (they range from 1-64).   You then hand her card #1, which has a big square hole in it, and four rows of printed numbers.  You ask the spectator which row her thought-of number is in, and after she tells you the row (not the number), you place card #1 onto the control card.  You show here cards #2 and #3, which also have four rows of numbers, and four narrow slots cut out in them.  After she tells you the row her number is in on each card, you set them down on the pile with the Control Card.   When the four cards are squared up, the thought-of number is revealed in the aligned slots.
  • Practically Self Working!
  • Does Not Require Adding!
  • You Immediately Know the Thought of Number!
  • The cards are about 4 inches square, a good size for close-up!
  • The cards are printed on stiff but thin cardboard, pre-perforated around the necessary slots and hole. 
  • Instructions sheet is included!
  • These are in unused condition.
This item was discontinued around the 1980s. We've found a few hanging around the warehouse for you collectors out there.
These are rare to find unopened and not bent up. I've kept one for myself and now offer the other to some lucky vintage magic collector.
Media Type Shipped Product

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