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Soo-Zee Fanning Powder Applicator w/powder

  • The perfect way to apply Fanning Powder to Cards
  • Easy, Mess-Free, The Best!
  • Includes a Bottle of Fanning Powder!


Fanning Powder Applicator

Stop using tin cans, paper bags or whatever you use to apply fanning powder to your playing cards. Soo-Zee is the answer to your problems. Simply slip the cards one at a time through the wooden holder as illustrated in the provided instructions. And a precise amount of White Satin Fanning Powder is applied to both sides of your cards. This is an item card men are crazy about. We supply the Soo-Zee gimmick complete with a bottle of White Satin Fanning Powder.

Skill Level: None. Not recommended for children under the age of 16.

Media Type Shipped Product

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